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Lifecycle ​

pre ​

Specifies the preceding plugins for the current plugin. You can pass an array of preceding plugin names, and the current plugin will be executed after these plugins.

Can be used to validate dependent plugins.

pre: string[]

post ​

Specifies the succeeding plugins for the current plugin. You can pass an array of succeeding plugin names, and the current plugin will be executed before these plugins.

post: string[]

buildStart ​

hookParallel: Start of the lifecycle of a plugin. BuildStart is used to implement your transformation logic and is also the only place where you can run this.addFile.

buildStart: (this: PluginContext, kubbConfig: KubbConfig) => WithPromise<void>

resolvePath ​

hookFirst: Resolve to an id based on fileName(example: ./Pet.ts) and directory(example: ./models).

resolvePath: (this: PluginContext, fileName: string, directory?: string, options?: Record<string, any>) => string | null | undefined

resolveName ​

hookFirst: Resolve to a name based on a string. Useful when converting to PascalCase or camelCase.

resolveName: (this: PluginContext, name: string, type?: string) => string

load ​

hookFirst: Makes it possible to run async logic to override the path defined previously by resolvePath.

load: (this: PluginContext, path: Path) => WithPromise<TransformResult | null>

transform ​

hookReduceArg0: Transform the source code.

transform: (this: PluginContext, source: string, path: Path) => WithPromise<TransformResult>

writeFile ​

hookParallel: Write the result to the file system based on the id(defined by resolvePath or changed by load).

writeFile: (this: PluginContext, source: string | undefined, path: Path) => WithPromise<void>

buildEnd ​

hookParallel: End of the plugin lifecycle.

buildEnd: (this: PluginContext) => WithPromise<void>

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Released under the MIT License.